Waiwai Utility Basket

A vanity basket (known as Pakára) used for storing feathers employed for personal adornment, but which may also be used by a shaman for storing ritual paraphernalia. It is made from the fibers of a plant locally known as mukru, which dark brown outer layer is scraped off to reveal the yellow fibers underneath. Baskets like this would have been hung from the rafters of communal houses, out of reach of rodents. The woven design on the basket represents stylized animal figures, probably frogs.

This is part of the Warren & Genny Garst Collection.  Genny received was given these baskets as a gift for her birthday.  Below is the Journal entry from Genny about the baskets.

Origin: Brazil/Guyana
Name of the tribe: Waiwai
Material: rattan, macaw feathers

Temple Dog
Wayang Puppet
Mau Tiki Tiki
Nguzu Nguzu
Three Frogs
Butterfly Wings
Portrait Mask
Beaded Necklace
Wai Wai Basket
Bark Mask
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