Mark “Butch” Butcher, Managing Director and Guide for Imvelo Safari Lodges in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, will outline how wildlife conservation and community-based tourism can be mutually beneficial. The Community Rhino Conservation Initiative, a groundbreaking project, is reintroducing rhinos to the country in a way that serves the local communities and promotes environmental sustainability. For the first time in history, white rhinos have been moved from private land to community-owned land where the local people are tasked with protecting them. Butcher will also discuss the Hwange National Park, one of the best places on earth to see elephants, lions, cheetahs, and giraffes. The presentation is hosted by the Museum’s travel partner, Sari Gartner with Outdoor Travel Adventures, in coordination with the Museum’s Global Adventures club. Tickets to the presentation are $15 per person, and reservations are requested. Beginning at 5 pm, refreshments and wine will be served in the Museum’s lobby, and Butcher will be greeting guests and answering their questions.
Feb. 19 – Rhino Conservation for Community Empowerment in Zimbabwe
Wednesday, Feb. 19
6 pm-8 pm
Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures
200 W. Mountain Ave. | Fort Collins
Availability: 32 in stock