Feb. 13 – Loren Eiseley: Haunted by the Ghosts of Colorado’s Ice Age


Availability: 11 in stock


Loren Eiseley, the renowned anthropologist and philosopher, made a key discovery in Northern Colorado in 1935 that forever changed the timeline of Native American occupation on this continent.  Eiseley studied science at the University of Nebraska and became an anthropologist. As a graduate student in 1935, he joined a Smithsonian expedition in Northern Colorado that unearthed artifacts of an ancient Folsom culture in a site known as Lindenmeier.  R. Gary Raham, a local biologist, author, and illustrator, will outline the details of Eiseley’s discovery while also treating the audience to a sampling of Eiseley’s mesmerizing prose and poetry.  As the program is expected to sell out, early reservations are encouraged.

Date:  Thursday, Feb. 13

Time:  6-7:30 pm

Cost:  $10 per person

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